Women in the Workforce - Presented by EWLC and Workforce Development

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Name: Women in the Workforce - Presented by EWLC and Workforce Development
Date: October 31, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM CDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce reports that one million women are missing from the labor force compared to pre-pandemic due to several factors, including vulnerability to layoffs during the pandemic, extreme burnout, and lack of childcare.
During this session, UnitedWE CEO, Wendy Doyle, will moderate a conversation around the trends of women in the workforce and the reasons women are leaving the force, what this reveals about broader workforce trends, and solutions or strategies to recruit and retain women’s leadership at all levels.
1200 Main Street
Kansas City, MO 64105
Date/Time Information:
Monday, October 31
9-10:30 a.m.
Contact Information:
Lindsay Jarquio
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